skyrim item cheat
skyrim item cheat

ThispagelistsallmiscellaneousitemsinTheElderScrollsV:Skyrim.Toaddtheseviaconsolecommand,useplayer.AddItem,whereistheIDfrombelow ...,2022年8月5日—Youcanadditemsonconsolecommandsusing:player.additemitemid1(Thenumberattheenddetermineshowmanyitemswil...

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Item Codes and Cheats


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Console Commands (Skyrim)Miscellaneous Items

This page lists all miscellaneous items in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. To add these via console command, use player.AddItem <#>, where is the ID from below ...

Does anyone know how to give yourself items or swords in ...

2022年8月5日 — You can add items on console commands using: player.additem item id 1 (The number at the end determines how many items will be added to your inventory)

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Item Codes and Cheats

To spawn items while playing Skyrim:Press the tilde key (~) to bring up the cheat console.Type "player. addItem" followed by the item code and the desired quantity. For example, to add 9,999 gold to your inventory, enter: "player.addItem 00

How to use Skyrim item codes to give yourself ...

2021年11月10日 — We've listed the Skyrim item codes below for all the weapons and armor in Skyrim (and yes, it works for Skyrim Special Edition as well).

Item Codes - The Elder Scrolls V

2011年11月10日 — This page contains the many Item Codes that can be used to spawn items, weapons, and more with the command console in the PC/Steam version ...

PC Console Command Cheats

Most Useful Skyrim Cheats ; Player.AddItem [item ID] [#], Add item to inventory. Example: player.additem f 100 adds 100 gold ; Player.SetLevel [#], Sets the ...

Skyrim cheats

2023年7月18日 — Below, we've listed console commands for things like God mode, unlimited carry weight and noclip, so you can truly terrorise Tamriel better than ...

Skyrim Item Codes List

A searchable list of all Skyrim item IDs for use with the AddItem console command. Updated for the latest version on PC / Mac (Steam).

The Elder Scrolls V

For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PC, GameFAQs has 121 cheat codes and secrets.


ThispagelistsallmiscellaneousitemsinTheElderScrollsV:Skyrim.Toaddtheseviaconsolecommand,useplayer.AddItem<#>,whereistheIDfrombelow ...,2022年8月5日—Youcanadditemsonconsolecommandsusing:player.additemitemid1(Thenumberattheenddetermineshowmanyitemswillbeaddedtoyourinventory),TospawnitemswhileplayingSkyrim:Pressthetildekey(~)tobringupthecheatconsole.Type"player.addItem"followedbyt...